
Showing posts from April, 2017

What Is the Astrological Parallel?

In my newsletters, I often refer to parallels happening in the sky, and I usually point out that they are important. I was asked to explain what parallels are. I will try to write this explanation in such a way that it will be comprehensible for beginners in astrology but at the same time precise enough for more advanced students. I will start from the very basics and then gradually increase the complexity. If at some point you’ll feel that you don’t understand what I am writing, simply stop, as you will already have a decent idea about the subject by then. Let’s imagine several race cars running around a circular track. Those are planets moving along the ecliptic. Astrology studies this movement of planets, and the patterns they form at specific moments in time. An important part of those patterns are aspects, i.e. interactions between planets. How can race cars interact? Well, they can overtake each other when they pass the same point along the track. Planets have this kind of ...

About the Micro-Lessons Project

Some time ago I decided to try a new approach to teaching astrology: micro-lessons. Unlike the project I am working on right now (Astrological Forecasting for Everyone, to be released in either the end of May or the beginning of June), which belongs to the popular astrology niche, the Micro-Lessons were conceived as a way of teaching technical, horoscopic astrology in a way that would be easy and unobtrusive even for complete newcomers. At the heart of this approach is the idea to deliver knowledge in small, easily digestible portions, so that everyone could find time for studying astrology in his or her busy life, and even spending only, say, 15 minutes a day, would still be able to make a noticeable progress over time. Here are the issues I was able to send to my subscribers so far (links go to MailChimp archive): Micro-Lesson #1: Symbols Micro-Lesson #2: the Zodiac Micro-Lesson #3: The Elements Micro-Lesson #4: the Qualities Micro-Lesson #5: Describe Your Sign Mi...

The Fourth Path in Astrology

There are roughly three kinds of astrology. First of all, there is popular astrology . Many millions of people are interested in the signs of the zodiac and popular forecasts, at least to some degree. The problem is that this kind of astrology is very superficial. I guess most people believe that there is nothing to astrology but those twelve signs. There is also astrology proper, which I tend to call technical astrology — simply because it is highly technical, indeed. It takes years to learn, and if you are serious about it, it turns into a life-long quest for understanding the complexity of life and Nature. I started my journey in the end of the 1980s, and indeed the more I learn the more I understand the vastness of the subject. There are probably not more than a few tens of thousands of people in the world who can figure out the elements of an astrological chart, and perhaps only a few thousands of those who earnestly pursue this path. The problem of technical astrologers is t...

Astrological Lunar Calendars: Problems and Limitations

As it often happens, this post was prompted by an email from a visitor of Lunarium. There was a number of similar questions, so I thought it will make sense to try and address them all. A typical question goes like this: astrologers disagree with each other. One popular online lunar calendar says that on April 14th, 2017, the Moon will be in Scorpio, and it will be the 18th lunar day. The other very popular astrologer says in his calendar that the Moon will be in Sagittarius, and it will be the 19th lunar day. So who do I believe? Here is my answer: The easiest approach is to figure it out for yourself, if only once, and then decide which of the sources of information can be trusted. Let's start with the Moon. Yes, on April 14th the Moon will be in Scorpio. And yes, on April 14th the Moon will be in Sagittarius. My astrological lunar calendar  shows the specific moment in time when the Moon will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius. In the time zone where I live (London, UK) i...