Recent Site Reorganization and Further Plans

Lunarium is still quite young, but it became apparent that its design came to some sort of limit: it was difficult to find where to put any new content. So I decided to reorganize it and also to make it more user-friendly.

First of all, there is a new Home Page. My guess is that many of the first-time visitors of Lunarium were frightened by the view of seemingly complicated monthly Lunar Calendar. Now they will see an easy description of the current phase of the Moon, a friendly explanation of what Lunarium is and a log of the most recent changes/additions. As for the monthly Lunar Calendar, it was moved to its own page.

Also, the Articles page was added. It has a link to a single article right now, "On the Nature of Retrograde Planets", and this article is still being written, but this is where I will be able to add many new materials which I am going to make available at Lunarium with time. The next one will be about some new details about the Jonas method which I have found recently.

The tables of the most important dates for the retrograde motion of the personal planets were added to the Planetary Calendar page. Their full explanation will be given in the article referenced above.

A number of invisible, but important changes were made to the inner engine of Lunarium. Most importantly, the code for planetary hours calculations was completely rewritten and thoroughly tested, so now it should work well for all the cities and years. The new American Daylight Saving Time Schedule was added. Finally, Indian cities can be worked with now - it wasn't possible before since Indian Standard Time has not an integer number of hours.

Now I shall concentrate on adding more interesting content, including some interactive programs, to the Articles page.


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