
Showing posts from February, 2015

Finding Out The Time Of Birth: Part 1, Day Birth Or Night Birth?

I found this very interesting approach in the book by Kennet Gillman, One After Another . Before attempting to find out an unknown time of birth, the first step is to figure out whether the person was born at day or at night. At day means after the sunrise and before sunset, at night, correspondingly, when the Sun was below the horizon. The criterium is very simple, and in my experience it proves to be quite reliable. Here is the idea: those who were born at day usually have a very important, life changing event at some point from the age of 18 to the age of 19 . Theoretically, it should be at the age of 18 1/4, but in practice it can be a little bit before or after that precise age. On the other hand, those who were born at night usually have a similarly very important, life changing event between the ages of 24 and 25 . Again, the precise theoretical age of the event is 24 1/4. If you are interested in the theory behind the use of these specific numbers, please refer to Kennet G...

How To Find Out Your Moon Sign? Part 4: Unknown Time of Birth

First of all, if you do have some idea of what your time of birth could be , like, you were born in the morning or in the evening, or around lunch time, then simply take the approximate middle of the interval (say, 9am for a morning birth). Calculate the Moon Sign using the Moon Sign Calculator (or, if you prefer, a natal chart calculator ). Pay attention to the degree of the Moon (the Moon Sign Calculator always shows the degree, like so: Degree: 10° 29'). If it's not within the first two degrees of the sign (from 0º to 2º) and not within the last two degrees of the sign (from 28º to 29º 59'), then you can be quite sure that the sign defined by the calculator is indeed your Moon Sign. If the degree is within the first or the last two degrees of the sign then you will need to have a better idea of you birth time to have any certainty regarding your Moon Sign. In some cases, you might be able to compare the descriptions of the two neighbouring signs and decide which of th...

Lunarium and Caching

I just received an email saying that there is something wrong with Lunarium: the home page shows that the Moon is in Pisces. That, obviously, can't be the case, I mean, the Moon can't be in Pisces, as the Sun is now in Aquarius, and the Moon is full. So the Moon has to be in Leo, the sign opposite to Aquarius. I went to Lunarium , and the Moon was indeed in Leo. So what happened, why another visitor saw it in Pisces? I receive emails with similar complaints from time to time, and the reason for the problem is caching . It can happen in a few different places, from the user's web browser to some server on the Internet through which the request and the response pass between the user and Lunarium. The nature of the problem is that the Internet (including all those bits from which it is made) wants to please you by all means, and for that to deliver each and every page you request as quickly as possible. Since many pages on the internet do not change every minute, web browser...