Finding Out The Time Of Birth: Part 1, Day Birth Or Night Birth?

I found this very interesting approach in the book by Kennet Gillman, One After Another. Before attempting to find out an unknown time of birth, the first step is to figure out whether the person was born at day or at night. At day means after the sunrise and before sunset, at night, correspondingly, when the Sun was below the horizon.

The criterium is very simple, and in my experience it proves to be quite reliable. Here is the idea: those who were born at day usually have a very important, life changing event at some point from the age of 18 to the age of 19. Theoretically, it should be at the age of 18 1/4, but in practice it can be a little bit before or after that precise age.

On the other hand, those who were born at night usually have a similarly very important, life changing event between the ages of 24 and 25. Again, the precise theoretical age of the event is 24 1/4. If you are interested in the theory behind the use of these specific numbers, please refer to Kennet Gillman's book. Here, I am going to concentrate on practice only. The book also has a number of detailed examples, by the way.

Naturally, the first thing I did is that I tried to test the method on myself. I know my time of birth, and I was born at night. I had no important events in my life between the ages of 18 and 19. However, between the ages of 24 and 25 I had a whole lot of very important events, and the result was definitely life-changing. It was actually a whole process that lasted for more than a year, but one of its points of culmination was around the age of 24 1/4. A few months before the age of 24, I served as a military officer in taiga in the North of Russia, close to the polar circle. That life didn't offer me many prospects, and so I decided to become a researcher and applied for a research position with the military college from which I graduated a few years before. There were, however, a few major obstacles to overcome.

The first problem was that I had a very poor vision. I wore thick glasses and could see close to nothing without them. Two months before my 24th birthday, I had an eye surgery (of a kind that are nowadays done with a laser, but at that time in Russia a basic knife was used). That surgery proved to be very successful, and I never wore any glasses since then — quite a miracle by itself.

Close to the age of 24 years and 3 months, the second major obstacle emerged. I always had difficult relationships with my superiors (I've got my Uranus in the 10th house, if you know what that means), and so they decided to block my application and make sure I could enjoy the rest of my life in the Northern forest. However, a few months later I managed to find a benefactor who supported my application for a different research position, a lot more attractive than the original one, and who also was influential enough to override the resistance of my superiors. It was one and only case in my life when I had such a major support in anything. As a result, I moved from the forest to the suburbs of Moscow right after my 25th birthday. That changed the whole perspective of my life and opened many opportunities I would never have otherwise.

Now let's consider Yury Gagarin, the first human in space, whom I mentioned in the previous blog post. I don't know his time of birth, but using the approach I've just described, I came to believe that he was born at night. Reading his biography, we find no significant events between the ages of 18 and 19. However, there is a bunch of important events around the age of 24: he got married and became an Air Force officer on the same day, 4 months before his 24th birthday, then moved to the North of Russia to serve as a fighter pilot. He applied to join the Soviet cosmonaut training programme when he was 25 years old. I believe this was a very major turn in his life which started before the 24th birthday and ended after the 25th birthday, similar to what I observed in my own life.

Try to test this approach on yourself and other people you know and see how it works. In the next post, I am going to show the next step towards figuring out the unknown birth time.


  1. hi alexander. first of all i congratulate you for the lunarium website, it really works. socond, i whant to ask why in the calendar, each day, the same mansion appears twice? it can be because of my browser or it could be a script error

    1. Hi Romani, thank you very much for your feedback, and for your kind words. The problem is mine. Somehow, I managed to create duplicate records in the database. Unfortunately, to sort this out, I need a substantial amount of time, and since I started a new job back in March, I only have any time on trains, or on weekends. I will sort this problem out, ultimately, hopefully in the next month.


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