As it often happens, this post was prompted by an email from a visitor of Lunarium. There was a number of similar questions, so I thought it will make sense to try and address them all. A typical question goes like this: astrologers disagree with each other. One popular online lunar calendar says that on April 14th, 2017, the Moon will be in Scorpio, and it will be the 18th lunar day. The other very popular astrologer says in his calendar that the Moon will be in Sagittarius, and it will be the 19th lunar day. So who do I believe? Here is my answer: The easiest approach is to figure it out for yourself, if only once, and then decide which of the sources of information can be trusted. Let's start with the Moon. Yes, on April 14th the Moon will be in Scorpio. And yes, on April 14th the Moon will be in Sagittarius. My astrological lunar calendar shows the specific moment in time when the Moon will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius. In the time zone where I live (London, UK) i...
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