On Cutting Hair with the Moon

Did you know that there is a recent update to this blog post available? More on Cutting Hair With The Moon.
This is a popular search which brings people to Lunarium, but I couldn't figure out yet where to put this information, so for the moment I will provide a brief answer right here. The question is:
how to use the information about the Moon to decide when to cut hair?
Of course you know that to get the information about the Moon you can use either the Online Lunar Calendar or its Downloadable Version.
As a matter of fact, I do use this information myself to decide when to cut hair. A few years ago I have noticed that my hair is becoming thinner, and the perspective to get a bald spot didn't seem too attractive to me. Since then I am getting my hair cut on the growing (waxing) Moon only, and the situation has improved considerably.
The main idea here is that you want your hair to grow better, cut them when the Moon is increasing in light - i.e. between the New Moon and the Full Moon. Some people advise to cut hair at the Full Moon, but I have noticed, and then read somewhere, that when you do so, your hair will grow quickly but will also become thinner, weaker. I would say that the best time to cut hair if you want it (them?) to be strong and grow better is between the First Quarter and the Full Moon, closer to the First Quarter.
Some people who have really strong hair and want them to grow slower (to retain the haircut? or there is also an opinion that when hair grows slower, it becomes thicker) or to remove hair on the parts of the body where they do not want them, can make use of the waning (decreasing) Moon, i.e. the period after the Full Moon and before the New Moon. I would suggest that the best period for epilation is two or three days before the New Moon.
There can be some other considerations also, but I didn't try to use them in practice, so they are mere theoretical. The Signs of the Zodiac where the Moon is at the moment can be taken into account. For gardening purposes, there are fruitful signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - perhaps they will be good for hair growing also? The signs of benefic planets - Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius - should be also good for growing. On the other hand, the signs of Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) as also Aries, Aquarius, perhaps Leo and maybe Capricorn are often considered fruitless so may be better used for epilation.


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